
A no-brainer and a top choice from the team at Flow is a Voltage Optimiser, whether it’s going green or saving money you can’t complain about either.

Outdated electrics flowing into your house means you are losing money and costing us the environment. In Europe, legislation was passed to standardise electricity supply from various countries. In the UK we operate at a much higher voltage and this results in huge electrical wastage. This is where a voltage optimiser comes in to save the day.

How a Voltage Optimiser works

Save up to 15% on electricity costs

A voltage optimiser will help regulate incoming power to your home, saving an average of up to 15% on electricity costs per year. Not only will you be living a more sustainable lifestyle but you will also have extra cash to spend elsewhere. See below to get a better understanding of how a voltage optimiser works.

what is voltage optimisation flow chart

Voltage Calculator

Annual electricity spend(£)

Existing Grid Supply Voltage

New Annual Cost(£)

Annual Saving

Still unsure if a voltage optimiser will suit your needs?

To find out more, fill in the form below to expolre this cheaper and more sustainable option with one of our Flow electrical experts.

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